Classic summer conditions awaited me today at the beach.
Decided to make bait last night during the evening high tide. I'd have to say--the sand crabs this year are as good as they get. They have a great variety of size and a good number have soft shells and millions of orange eggs! I think you'll find them at high tide at almost any beach now.
I'm still waiting for the corbina to flood the beach so today I decided to go south to one of my favorite rock areas in Orange County and was glad I did!
First bait, a sand crab on the carolina rig, was all I needed to keep me busy for the next 20 minutes.
I've been using 6lb main line and 6lb fluorocarbon leader when fishing near the rocks and today thank goodness I did!

On three consecutive baits I hooked into three consecutive spotfin croakers--with my largest going about 7lbs.
Thanks to my friend KC for taking my picture just before he hooked into the potential world record spotfin croaker. Unfortunately, after 20 minutes into the fight he lost the battle and the leviathan swam back into the sea. Good job KC, next time he's yours!
As a consolation KC did hook into this nice f
ace mask. We're still looking for the diver--hope he's okay!

This weekend and next week have some great tides in both the morning and evening. Get down there, find some crabs, tie on the carolina rig and catch some stinkin' fish!
I don't know if you've read my latest article in Fish Taco Chronicles that has just come out this week--but if you haven't and don't take the magazine email me a note with your name and address and I'll send you THIS MONTH'S COPY FOR FREE (email address: The magazine's packed with great articles on surf, salt and fresh water fishing by some of the top experts in each field. Don't wait too long as last week's free offer has the magazine flying out the door!
Also, take a look at my surf tackle store where you'll find all the gear that I use at the beach at very reasonable prices--and you don't even need to leave your computer to place an order! For the month of July you'll receive 20% off your entire order by typing the words: THANK YOU in the promotion box--and this discount is not just on one item but your complete order!
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