I can’t remember even once when the wind blew so hard offshore. You could have put a perch on string and flown it like a kite. That’s a thought…. Kite fishing in the surf. How about having a kite take your Lucky Craft a mile offshore and drop it off. Talking about a long retrieve!
The hard part about fishing in the wind is keeping your line tight to your bait. It’s impossible to feel bites and set the hook when the wind is putting a bow in your line the size of the national deficit! At times the gusts were so strong they almost knocked me into the water and bent the end of my rod just like a bite.
I went down earlier in the week and collected some bait at one of my favorite spots. There were plenty of clams, mussels and sidewinder crabs ready for the taking. I did come across a couple of fellas using huge weighted treble hooks trying to snag fish. I thought this was probably against the law but no way was I going to say anything as I didn’t want to become their next “catch.”
On Thursday, eventhough the surf was very small I did find an area of moving water and went to work. My first few casts with mussel and later with clams yielded me only one small perch. Many times when the small perch are attacking my bait I’ll change to the sidewinder. Sidewinders weed out the small fish as only the big slabs seem able to crush their shell.

On my first cast with the crab I felt the familiar crunch, crunch, crunch. After a short fight a nice perch.

Over the next 30 minutes a couple more perch took the bait. They were a bit bigger and reminded me why I love to fish the beach so much.

Today there were no corbina or spotfin to be had but it was great to get out even if I was pelted by wind and sand. I felt lucky to even catch one fish as conditions were poor and fishing usually follows suit.
Before leaving for home I noticed a great many tiny sea birds bunched up in a group on the beach (they‘ve been cartoonized). Once again I was reminded of the great beauty and the peacefulness on the beach just steps from the craziness of the city.

This upcoming week has some below average tides with low tide coming in the middle of the day. Toward the end of the week we begin to see some huge astronomical tides that bode well for fishing and bait catching. The weather early in the week promises to be beautiful with rain possible by the weekend. We still have very little surf to speak of so look for areas with moving off colored water and this is where you'll have your best chance.
Home of the All-in-One Surf Tackle Kit