Rounded up the usual suspects—ghost shrimp and a few clams and hit the beach early to take advantage of the rising low to high tide. My buddy T I came along in hopes of finding fish.
Cast out the first shrimp and I’m on. Well, at least it’s a perch.
I look over T I’s on. Corbina, ok beginner’s luck, good job T.I.
Cast out the first shrimp and I’m on. Well, at least it’s a perch.

I look over T I’s on. Corbina, ok beginner’s luck, good job T.I.

I look over. He’s on. Yes, another corbina.

I have one last chance. My bait gets slammed, the drag whistles. Yet just a lowly sting ray who I had to joust to get my hook back.

A great day. Every time you see that smile on your friend’s face you know they’re really enjoying just what you love to do. There’s nothing better than a good day in the surf!!
This upcoming week and even into the 4th of July weekend we have some great tides, great weather and a small to medium swell--Just perfect for surf fishing. I love to collect sand crabs during the evening tide and then fish in the morning as the tide is going from low to high. Although you can catch corbina at any tide this is my favorite tide because each wave that washes closer to the high tide mark brings corbina closer to feed on crabs.
The live baits that have worked the best recently have been crabs, ghost shrimp and we are starting to get some nice fish on clams. Over the last few days we have also heard some good reports of spotfin filling in along the coast. Last year July-Oct. produced some epic catches with these great fighters---we're sure hoping they're back this year too!!
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