Chilly water greeted my feet this morning as I stepped into the surf to cast. This week's winds dropped the water temp to 58 but it also gave us fairly clear water and cleaned up the trash, kelp and murkyness of last week. Today's, surf was almost non existant with an occasional 2foot south swell to churn things up.
Perch fishing from high tide until two hours later was nothing less than wide open. The grub was irresistible! You would cast out and before you could put the reel into gear you were on. The fish were from 8-12inches and ravenous.
In addition, there was a nice bite on yellowfin croaker. These fish were very close to shore today--no more than 10-20 off the dry sand.

This weekend's strong tides--even into next week--will provide some great opportunities to get out there. Fish seem more spread out now but the largest fish still seem to be in pockets mixed with frys. The pea soup fog created a blanket so last night's big moon didn't have much of an effect on fishing.
The best baits have been 1 1/2inch grubs soaked in your favorite hot sauce fished on the carolina rig. Today the olive green with green flake was doing the trick with ease! You can find these slider grubs on my website www.fishthesurf.com, by cliking on STORE. Natural baits like worms and crabs will become a factor in the next couple of weeks. Look for sand crabs to show up at the beach when the water gets to about 60degrees.
Now's the time to get down there! See you at the beach!
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