Today's grub color: Motoroil with red flake
Most have read about the Domoic Acid contamination along the coast. Several web sites including fishingnetwork.net have had some great posts about the subject. Here are a few things to keep in mind: You can not see the acid as it does not produce a red tide. It is best not to eat any shell fish or near shore fish until the contamination dissipates. Cooking shell fish does not remove the acid. If you are using mussel for bait, as I do, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly after baiting your hook and don't get your hands near your face.
Although we have not heard of human cases we do know that the acid is potent and can lead to sickness and death. The acid occurs naturally, yet not as potent as has been the case this year, and it will dissipate. No one knows it's origin but it probably spawned as a result of our last storm, the strongest of the year. As street run off pushes out into the ocean the nitrogen it contains provides fertilizer for the acid and creates a bloom.
Be safe and don't eat fish and especially shell fish, lobster, clams or mussel until the authorities say "all clear."
Reports from up and down the coast give us some hope that good fishing is on the way. Over the last two weeks Ventura has kicked out some nice perch. John in Ventura reported fish in the 14inch range using 3inch grubs. A great report from Phil, coming out of San Onofre from last weekend, let us know that the spotfin are here and it looks like they're going to stay. He had three spotfin caught on mussel--his largest 23inches long and 14inches wide. All on 4lb test. Along with the spotfin they also had a nice bite on the yellowfin too. Nice goin' Phil!
This week and weekend will be okay but the challenge will come from the lack of tide movement and the full moon. Look for next week to be great as the moon wanes and the tides improve.
Little sign yet of sand crabs with just a few small ones showing up in the net. As the water warms they will begin, any day, to come to the surface. If you need them before that go to areas that have warmer water, like seal beach pier and try to find them there.
I'll be the first to let you know when the crabs are up and ready to be cast to a waiting corbina.
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