Each morning this week the beach was covered in a layer of fog pushed ashore by a soft southwest wind.
A slightly larger (just slightly larger!) West swell and a thin layer of fog helped to make this week one of the best corbina fishing weeks of the summer. It always seems a little easier to trick corbina and large perch when you have a bit of fog. Bright sunshine surely gives the fish an advantage of figuring out the bait with the hook in it--so overcast skys are always welcome.
Last week's very small surf was replaced by 1-2foot swells from the West and helped to push the corbina ashore and over the crab beds. A few more bubbles and jumbled surf helped hide our bait and made for some great corbina and perch fishing.
One evening this week after making (sand crab) bait at high tide I went to my favorite perch spot and hoped that I would find the big perch that I hadn't seen in two months. I've had a few days at this spot in the past few months that were downright bad. Just two or three small fish and very few bites.
I've been afraid that the "bucket brigade" had caught and kept all the fish. I see this too much at the beach where anglers are catching fish and putting every one, no mater what it is or what it's size is in their bucket.
I can only hope they are eating the fish and not giving them to friends (get your friends down here to catch some fish--you're not the neighborhood provider!) or freezing them to eventually throw them away.

Well after my first bait I knew the answer and I fell to my knees and thanked the Lord!
The big fish were still around, caught and released to be caught and released again another day. Almost every cast a big fish was pulling line and heading for open water. It was a great relief to see them here and biting again. Almost like visiting with an old friend.

And that was just the evening bite.
Early morning, at week's end, I was ready for the corbina and have learned that the low tide going to high tide is by far the best time to fish corbina. Corbina come ashore as the tide grows higher and float over the crab beds in just inches of water. As they look for food on the crab beds I sight fish , find them first, and then cast my bait in their direction. With any luck they pick my bait out of billions of choices and the fight's on!

All the corbina in the last several weeks have been caught in very shallow water--sometimes as little as 4or5 inches. I like to use a 3/4ounce sliding sinker to keep my bait anchored on the bottom and a 20inch 4lb flouro leader. Be sure to use a very sharp hook with a dime sized sand crab and be patient.
When I'm standing in the water, ankle to knee deep, I will stand very still and am always amazed how close the corbina come to me as they look for food on the bottom.

Looking forward to today, tomorrow and this upcoming week. We are starting to see a nice Southwest swell begin to fill in today. Predictions are saying that it may reach 5-8feet on Sunday. We'll wait to see if that happens. If the swells too big try to find a protected area that has less swell influence. Also, the South Bay, where we have seen a lot of corbina from RAT beach to Santa Monica, should finally get good after a slow start to summer--probably because of such small swell and cooler than usual water.
As the week progresses the swell should die back to about 2-3feet. Also look some great morning low to high tide events that are perfect for corbina fishing.
These morning tides will be followed by some great evening high tides that will be perfect for catching sand crabs and fishing the slab barred surf perch.

Let me know how you do by sending a report and pics to fishthesurf@mail.com
Until next week have a great time down at the beach and catch some fish!
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