When my son came home from surf practice and told me that a girl on his surf team had cut her face on the bottom I wasn’t surprised—you know that happens with surfing. But when he told me she cut it on clams a light went off in my head. After dropping him off at school, I went down to the beach and noticed that millions of tiny clams were everywhere. 
I pride myself with being a somewhat quick learner so I went down and collected some littleneck clams for bait.
The surf has been up, and eventhough there were some breaks between sets, a few double overhead waves still crashed to shore
I slipped on the clam. Took my first cast and I was on. I don’t think my bail was over before this yellowfin jumped on.
Here’s a couple more.
I tried other baits: sand crabs, crack and even a sidewinder crab with no bites. It was all on the clam and for this farmer (lost a few there) almost wide open. 
In between yellowfin were a few monster hits and a couple nice spotfin in the 20” range.

Let’s hope the big surf doesn’t last too long and that I can find a few more clams to feed the fish.

I pride myself with being a somewhat quick learner so I went down and collected some littleneck clams for bait.
The surf has been up, and eventhough there were some breaks between sets, a few double overhead waves still crashed to shore
I slipped on the clam. Took my first cast and I was on. I don’t think my bail was over before this yellowfin jumped on.

Here’s a couple more.

In between yellowfin were a few monster hits and a couple nice spotfin in the 20” range.

Let’s hope the big surf doesn’t last too long and that I can find a few more clams to feed the fish.
This upcoming (Holoween) week has some great tides that will begin to develop in the middle of the week and last into the first week of November. If you can find sand crabs try them, maybe for the last time this season. Still a few nice corbina out there with the spotfin bite getting better every day on the clam.
I can't wait to take another shot at the beach next week--until then good surf fishing!!
Home of the All-in-One Surf Tackle Kit
1 comment:
There were massive corbina attack off huntington beach... I never saw so many corbina in my life. They were jumping left and right with a few almost jumping into the rocks. well maybe I m exaggerating about the fish jumping near rocks, but they seem to be not eating. I try grub,ghost shrimp,clams and sidewinders. I don't get it. I be back tomorrow Sunday with a new strategy. oct 25
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