We have received some great reports of both corbina and spotfin croaker being caught in LA, OC and SD counties. There has also been a great perch bite--with most fish stuffed full of babies. The perch have been craving the grub and Gulp Sand Worm. I looked for an area where the beach was scalloped. Here at high tide, the water washes up over the small points and bays and creates a rip tide.

The rip churns up sand and bait and pulls fish into its murky water. The bite was good on perch right along the edges where clear water meets cloudy sand churned waves. When letting these fish go be very gentle and set them back into the water so as not to dislodge their young.

This upcoming week has some good tides starting in the middle of the week. They will be good for both bait catching and surf fishing. Also, with the current and near future runs of grunion look for the halibut to be well inside and biting. Now is a great time to breakout the small Krocodiles, Kastmasters, Lucky Craft Baits and plastic swim baits.

For halibut fishing I would target them at both peak high and peak low tide. For perch the high going to low tide seems to be the best times. Fish can be found in both the inshore and offshore troughs (that have been carved by the waves).

If you get a chance, now is a great time to check out the beach structure at low tide and mark your spots to fish when the tide is high. Most of the big winter storms have gone, so beach structure may stay unchanged until the first Southern Hemisphere storms make their way ashore…
Home of the All-in-One Surf Tackle Kit
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hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
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